Lab 17


  1. Create a database called sql_NVC_store.

  2. Create the CUSTOMER table structure illustrated in Figure. The customer number should store integer values. The name attributes should support variable length character data up to 30 characters each. The customer balance should support up to six digits on the left of the decimal place and two digits to the right of the decimal place.

  3. Create the INVOICE table structure illustrated in Figure. The invoice number should store integer values. The Customer number should be an integer. The invoice date should store date values. The invoice amount should support up to 8 digits to the left of the decimal place and two digits to the right of the decimal place.

  4. Write the set of SQL commands necessary to insert the data into the CUSTOMER table you created.

  5. Write the set of SQL commands necessary to insert the data into the INVOICE table you created



In a Word document, copy and paste the SQL command you used for questions 1 and 2.

For questions 3 and 4, copy paste your SQL as well as the result grid to your word document