Lab 2


In this lab, we are going to experiment with our MySQL instance. I would like you to get acquainted with MySQL and MySQL Workbench. Follow the directions below and respond to the questions below. Copy and paste the Questions table to a Word document with your responses

  1. Open MySQL/MySQL Workbench. - click on your connection (yours will likely say “Local instance”

  2. Click Local Instance

  3. In the Workbench editor, please copy/paste the following SQL and click the button to execute the SQL code (Please change the Author name in the comments to your name)

/* Author: NVC CS Department Experiment with MySQL */ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `sql_DemoOne`; CREATE DATABASE `sql_DemoOne`; USE `sql_DemoOne`; CREATE TABLE JOB ( JOB_CODE varchar(5), JOB_DESCRIPTION varchar(25), JOB_BASE_PAY numeric(4,2) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO JOB VALUES('GEN','General support','7.5'); INSERT INTO JOB VALUES('MGR','Manager','37.4'); INSERT INTO JOB VALUES('SEC','Secretary','18.95'); CREATE TABLE REGION ( REGION_CODE int, REGION_DESCRIPT varchar(10) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO REGION VALUES('1','East'); INSERT INTO REGION VALUES('2','West'); CREATE TABLE STORE ( STORE_CODE int, STORE_NAME varchar(20), STORE_YTD_SALES numeric(10,2), REGION_CODE int ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO STORE VALUES('1','Access Junction','1003455.76','2'); INSERT INTO STORE VALUES('2','Database Corner','1421987.39','2'); INSERT INTO STORE VALUES('3','Tuple Charge','986783.22','1'); INSERT INTO STORE VALUES('4','Attribute Alley','944568.56','2'); INSERT INTO STORE VALUES('5','Primary Key Point','2930098.45','1'); CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( EMP_CODE int, EMP_TITLE varchar(4), EMP_LNAME varchar(15), EMP_FNAME varchar(15), EMP_INITIAL varchar(1), EMP_DOB datetime, JOB_CODE varchar(5), STORE_CODE int ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('1','Mr.','Williamson','John','W','1964-5-21','SEC','3'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('2','Ms.','Ratula','Nancy','','1969-2-9','MGR','2'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('3','Ms.','Greenboro','Lottie','R','1961-10-2','GEN','4'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('4','Mrs.','Rumpersfro','Jennie','S','1971-6-1','GEN','5'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('5','Mr.','Smith','Robert','L','1959-11-23','GEN','3'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('6','Mr.','Renselaer','Cary','A','1965-12-25','GEN','1'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('7','Mr.','Ogallo','Roberto','S','1962-7-31','MGR','3'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('8','Ms.','Johnsson','Elizabeth','I','1968-9-10','SEC','1'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('9','Mr.','Eindsmar','Jack','W','1955-4-19','SEC','2'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('10','Mrs.','Jones','Rose','R','1966-3-6','GEN','4'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('11','Mr.','Broderick','Tom','','1972-10-21','GEN','3'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('12','Mr.','Washington','Alan','Y','1974-9-8','GEN','2'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('13','Mr.','Smith','Peter','N','1964-8-25','GEN','3'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('14','Ms.','Smith','Sherry','H','1966-5-25','GEN','4'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('15','Mr.','Olenko','Howard','U','1964-5-24','GEN','5'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('16','Mr.','Archialo','Barry','V','1960-9-3','GEN','5'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('17','Ms.','Grimaldo','Jeanine','K','1970-11-12','MGR','4'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('18','Mr.','Rosenberg','Andrew','D','1971-1-24','GEN','4'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('19','Mr.','Rosten','Peter','F','1968-10-3','GEN','4'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('20','Mr.','Mckee','Robert','S','1970-3-6','MGR','1'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('21','Ms.','Baumann','Jennifer','A','1974-12-11','SEC','3');
  1. Execute the query

  2. Click File → New query Tab

  1. Copy / Paste the following SQL and answer Question 1

use sql_DemoOne; SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE;
  1. Copy Paste the following SQL and answer Question 2

  1. Copy Paste the following SQL and answer Question 3

  1. Copy Paste the following SQL and answer Question 4

  1. In the sql_DemoOne;database, there is a table REGION - using this table, respond to Question 5






  1. How many Records are in the Employee Table


2. What is the first and last name of the last record returned by the query


3 Who is the oldest Employee in the table?


4. Copy and paste the query results in your response


5. Create a SQL query (statement that would display all of the records in the REGION table. (Your response is an SQL statement