Lab 3


Given the following business rules, create an ERD to express the following scenario.

  1. A Student can have only one Advisor.

  2. An Advisor can advise multiple Students.

  3. A Student can take multiple Courses.

  4. A Course can have multiple Students.

For this lab, you will need to create an ERD diagram with some attributes appropriate for each table/entity. Just to let you know, you will need to create additional tables to resolve the relationships.

Use Lucid Charts (or Miro, Visio) to complete your ERD and upload a screenshot of your resulting diagram.

It is your choice to determine some attributes that would likely be found in the tables. Be sure to use good naming conventions on your tables and attributes.







Entities/attributes defined.

Consider using a good naming convention.

Relationships are defined and resolved.

Diagram indicates primary and foreign keys appropriately


The diagram is well-designed and understandable