Lab 13


SQL Script required →

Using some of the SQL commands you have learned, create a SQL statement to answer the following questions. Once you have created the SQL command, copy and paste your Query and results and submit via a word document (copy-paste results)


  1. Using the Invoices and clients table of sql_invoicing

Select the following attributes:

  • state

  • city

  • sum of the invoice totals (create an alias TotalSales)

From the invoices table

Join the clients table using the Client ID

Group by the state and city


2. Using the invoices table of sql_invoicing

Select the following attibutes:

  • Client ID

  • sum of the invoice totals (create an alias TotalSales)

  • COUNT of invoices (create an alias NumberInvoices)

From invoices

Group by Client ID


3. Using the Products table of sql_inventory

Select all

From Products

Where the Unit Price is greater than

Select unit price from products where product id = 3

4. Using the Employees table of sql_hr

Select all employees who have a salary greater than the average salary

Select all from employees


Select the average salary from Employees

5. Create a query to show the current date and time

6. Using the Store database, concatenate the customers first and last name (include a space in between the first and last) as an alias FullName