Lab 14
Using some of the SQL commands you have learned, create a SQL statement to answer the following questions. Once you have created the SQL command, copy and paste your Query and results and submit via a word document (copy-paste results)
You will need to run the SQL Script in the Create Table Example to create the database, class table and add some records - > Create a Table Example
Create the following table student with the following attributes (fields)
Attribute Name | Data Type | Constrants |
studentID | int | not null / Primary key |
firstName | varchar(50) | not null |
lastName | varchar(50) | not null |
address | varchar(50) | not null |
city | varchar(50) | not null |
state | varchar(2) | not null |
zip | varchar(10) | not null |
phone | varchar(25) | default null |
Once you have created the table - add some students (Add 4 records) using the INSERT INTO SQL command