Big Data and NoSQL

In this section, you learn about these issues in greater detail. You will find that there is more to Big Data and the problem it represents to modern businesses than just the volume, velocity, and variety (“3 Vs”) characteristics introduced in Chapter 2. In fact, you will find that these characteristics themselves are more complex than previously discussed.

After learning about Big Data issues, you learn about the technologies that have
been developed, and continue to be developed, to address Big Data. First, you learn about the low-level technologies in the Hadoop framework. Hadoop has become a standard component in organizations’ efforts to address Big Data. Next, you learn about the higher-level approaches of the NoSQL data model to develop nonrelational databases such as key-value databases, document databases, column-oriented databases, and graph databases. You also learn about NewSQL databases, which try to bridge the gap between relational database systems and NoSQL.