Discussion Posting Criteria

Initial Post - 75 points

Response Post 25 points

Treat your discussion board post as any other written paper or response for school. You will want to establish a process that works for you and use that process to produce engaging ideas that contribute to the online conversation you are having with your classmates and your professor. You shouldn’t just strive for completion but also discussion and engagement.

Before You Begin

  • Read your prompt or discussion question carefully—pay attention to grammar, spelling, citation requirements, and specific guidelines such as due dates and response requirements. 

  • Set an agenda—making a schedule will help you stay on task.

  • Narrow down what you should be accomplishing in your post (are you arguing for or against something, are you stating your opinion, are you summarizing a reading?).

Posting Guideline

  • Participate in online forums as you would in constructive, face-to-face discussions. 

  • Postings should continue a conversation and provide avenues for additional continuous dialogue. A good post includes:
    • What do you think?
    • What would you do?
    • What problem or challenge will follow the original question?

  • Do not just post a link to another document/source. Provide a synopsis/highlight of the linked reference. 

  • Weave into your posting related to prior personal knowledge gained from experience, prior coursework, discussions, or readings.

  • Don’t post just to post.

  • Characteristics of quality online discussion postings
    • Substantial – posts should relate to the topic and provide information, opinions, or questions
    • Concise – messages should be clear. Lengthy messages do not get many replies
    • Provocative – prompts others to reply or object
    • Explanatory – explore, explain or expand on a concept of connection
    • Timely – Participate/read the Discussion Board regularly and reply in a timely fashion. Posting initial responses by the middle of the week gives other students time to respond.
    • Logical – contain a clearly stated conclusion supported by premises, reason, evidence
    • Grammatical – good, clear, concise post free of typos and fragments (similar to the tone and manner you would use within a professional environment). 

  • Online communication lacks verbal cues. Respond carefully, be clear, and keep your sentences and posts brief.

Response guideline

You are also expected to reply to at least one student peer's postings per discussion board topic. Peer replies should be thoughtful, reflective, and respectful while prompting further discussion using content knowledge, critical thinking skills, questioning, and relevant information on the topic.  Responses should indicate agreement/disagreement and why. You might offer an alternative explanation or provide peers with additional information, such as an article or website.  Add value to the academic discussion - provide your thoughts on what they said.

Discussion boards are meant to be conversations where each post builds on the previous comment. Responding to a post gives you the ability to expand the conversation. Reference material from your textbook, class lectures, or relate to your life experiences when appropriate. Don’t just agree or disagree: continue the conversation! This is called responding constructively - just like construction; you’re building upon a post.