Linked List

We will be covering Linked List in more detail in future modules. For now - here is a brief code example:


// // IntNode.hpp // LinkedListIntro // // Created by Kevin Roark on 2/3/24. // #ifndef IntNode_hpp #define IntNode_hpp class IntNode { public: // Constructor IntNode(int dataInit = 0, IntNode* nextLoc = nullptr); // Insert node after this node void InsertAfter(IntNode* nodeLoc); // Get location pointed by nextNodePtr IntNode* GetNext(); // Print dataVal void PrintNodeData(); private: // Data value int dataVal; // Pointer to the next node IntNode* nextNodePtr; }; #endif /* IntNode_hpp */


#include "IntNode.hpp" #include <iostream> using namespace std; //MARK: Constructor: The constructor IntNode(int dataInit = 0, IntNode* nextLoc = nullptr) //initializes a new instance of IntNode. //It accepts two parameters: dataInit (default value 0) which sets the value //of dataVal and nextLoc (default value nullptr) which sets the value of nextNodePtr. IntNode::IntNode(int dataInit, IntNode* nextLoc) { this->dataVal = dataInit; this->nextNodePtr = nextLoc; } /* Insert node after this node. * Before: this -- next * After: this -- node -- next */ //MARK: InsertAfter: The method InsertAfter(IntNode* nodeLoc) inserts //the node pointed to by nodeLoc immediately after the current node. //It starts by storing the old next node in tmpNext. Then it sets nextNodePtr //of the current node to nodeLoc, effectively placing nodeLoc after the //current node in the list. Finally, it sets the nextNodePtr of nodeLoc to //tmpNext, placing the original next node after nodeLoc. void IntNode::InsertAfter(IntNode* nodeLoc) { IntNode* tmpNext = nullptr; tmpNext = this->nextNodePtr; // Remember next this->nextNodePtr = nodeLoc; // this -- node -- ? nodeLoc->nextNodePtr = tmpNext; // this -- node -- next } //MARK: PrintNodeData: The method PrintNodeData() prints the value of //dataVal to the console. This value is the data stored in the current node. void IntNode::PrintNodeData() { cout << " Data in the Node: " << this->dataVal << endl; } // Get location pointed by nextNodePtr //MARK: GetNext: The method GetNext() returns the node that comes after //the current node in the list. This is the node pointed to by nextNodePtr. IntNode* IntNode::GetNext() { return this->nextNodePtr; }

main.cpp (Driver)

#include <iostream> #include "IntNode.hpp" using namespace std; int main() { // Create IntNode objects IntNode* headObj = nullptr; IntNode* nodeObj1 = nullptr; IntNode* nodeObj2 = nullptr; IntNode* nodeObj3 = nullptr; IntNode* nodeObj4 = nullptr; IntNode* currObj = nullptr; IntNode* tempObj = nullptr; // To hold the next node before deletion // Front of nodes list headObj = new IntNode(-1); // Additional nodes are inserted after the headObj nodeObj1 = new IntNode(111); headObj->InsertAfter(nodeObj1); nodeObj2 = new IntNode(222); nodeObj1->InsertAfter(nodeObj2); nodeObj3 = new IntNode(333); nodeObj2->InsertAfter(nodeObj3); nodeObj4 = new IntNode(444); nodeObj1->InsertAfter(nodeObj4); // Print linked list currObj = headObj; while (currObj != nullptr) { currObj->PrintNodeData(); currObj = currObj->GetNext(); } // Reset currObj to headObj for deletion currObj = headObj; while (currObj != nullptr) { tempObj = currObj->GetNext(); // Save the next node delete currObj; // Delete the current node currObj = tempObj; // Move to the next node } return 0; }


This C++ code defines a linked list of integer values using a custom class called IntNode. Each IntNode object represents a node in the linked list, and contains an integer value (dataVal) and a pointer to the next node in the list (nextNodePtr).

Here's a brief overview of the code:

  • The IntNode class defines a constructor that takes two arguments: dataInit and nextLoc. These arguments initialize the dataVal and nextNodePtr members, respectively.

  • The InsertAfter member function takes a pointer to an IntNode object as an argument, and inserts the object after the current node in the list. This is done by first storing the next node in a temporary pointer (tmpNext), updating nextNodePtr to point to the new node, and then updating the new node's nextNodePtr to point to the previous next node.

  • The GetNext member function returns a pointer to the next node in the list.

  • The PrintNodeData member function prints the integer value of the node to the console.

  • In the main function, a linked list is created using several IntNode objects. The headObj object is the first node in the list and is initialized with a data value of -1. Additional nodes are inserted after the headObj object using the InsertAfter function.

  • Finally, the linked list is printed to the console using a loop that iterates through each node in the list and prints its value using the PrintNodeData function.


2024 - Programming 3 / Data Structures - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark