The -> operator

What is the -> Operator?

The -> operator, commonly known as the "arrow operator," is a syntactical feature in C++ that provides an efficient way to access the members (variables or functions) of a class or structure through a pointer. It simplifies the process of working with pointers to objects, making your code more readable and easier to manage.

Why Use the -> Operator?

  1. Ease of Access:
    The -> operator allows you to access members of an object straightforwardly and intuitively through a pointer. Instead of manually dereferencing the pointer and accessing the member, you can do both in a single, concise operation.

  2. Improved Readability:
    Code that uses the -> operator is often more readable and easier to understand because it clearly indicates that you’re working with a pointer to an object. This can reduce confusion and make your code more maintainable.

How Does the -> Operator Work?

When you use the -> operator, the following occurs:

  1. Dereferencing:
    The pointer is dereferenced, meaning that it accesses the object or structure that it points to.

  2. Member Access:
    The operator then accesses the specified member (whether a variable or function) of the object that the pointer points to.


The basic syntax for using the -> operator is:

  • pointer_to_object: This is the pointer that holds the address of the object.

  • member: This is the member of the object (either a variable or a function) that you want to access.

Example 1: Using the -> Operator with a Structure

Let’s explore an example using a structure:

struct Point { int x; int y; }; int main() { Point* pointPointer = new Point; // Allocate memory for a Point structure pointPointer->x = 10; // Access and set the `x` member pointPointer->y = 20; // Access and set the `y` member cout << "Point coordinates: (" << pointPointer->x << ", " << pointPointer->y << ")" << endl; delete pointPointer; // Clean up allocated memory pointPointer = nullptr; // Set pointer to `nullptr` to avoid dangling pointers return 0; }


  • Structure Definition: We define a Point structure with two members, x and y.

  • Dynamic Memory Allocation: Memory for a Point object is allocated using the new operator, and the address is stored in pointPointer.

  • Using the -> Operator: We use the -> operator to access and set the values of x and y.

  • Memory Management: After using the Point object, we free the allocated memory with delete and set the pointer to nullptr to prevent it from becoming a dangling pointer.

Example 2: Using the -> Operator with a Class

Here’s an example using a class:

class Rectangle { public: int width; int height; int area() { return width * height; } }; int main() { Rectangle* rectanglePointer = new Rectangle; // Allocate memory for a Rectangle object rectanglePointer->width = 5; // Access and set the `width` member rectanglePointer->height = 10; // Access and set the `height` member int area = rectanglePointer->area(); // Call the `area()` function using `->` cout << "Rectangle area: " << area << endl; delete rectanglePointer; // Clean up allocated memory rectanglePointer = nullptr; // Set pointer to `nullptr` to avoid dangling pointers return 0; }


  • Class Definition: We define a Rectangle class with two public members, width and height, and a member function area() that calculates the area of the rectangle.

  • Dynamic Memory Allocation: Memory for a Rectangle object is allocated using the new operator, and the address is stored in rectanglePointer.

  • Using the -> Operator: We use the -> operator to access and set the width and height members and to call the area() function.

  • Memory Management: After using the Rectangle object, we free the allocated memory with delete and set the pointer to nullptr to prevent any undefined behavior.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Dereferencing a Null Pointer:
    Always ensure that the pointer is not nullptr before using the -> operator. Dereferencing a null pointer will result in a runtime error, potentially causing your program to crash.

    Tip: You can check if the pointer is valid before accessing it:

  2. Not Releasing Allocated Memory:
    Whenever you allocate memory dynamically using new, make sure to release it using delete to avoid memory leaks. After deletion, always set the pointer to nullptr to avoid dangling pointers.

  3. Confusing -> with .:
    Remember, use the -> operator when working with pointers, and use the . operator when working with objects directly.

Things to think about

  • The -> operator in C++ is used to access members of a class or structure through a pointer, combining dereferencing and member access in one step.

  • It improves the readability and clarity of your code when working with pointers to objects.

  • Always ensure that the pointer is valid (not nullptr) before using the -> operator, and remember to free any dynamically allocated memory using delete to prevent memory leaks.

  • Setting a pointer to nullptr after deletion is a good practice to avoid accidental dereferencing of invalid pointers.

Additional Tip: When to Use the -> Operator

Use the -> operator whenever you need to access a member of an object through a pointer. This is common in scenarios involving dynamic memory allocation, pointer-based data structures (like linked lists and trees), and in certain object-oriented programming patterns.

2024 - Programming 3 / Data Structures - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark