Demo - Overload the assignment operator (deep copy)


Here is an example of a deep copy:

  1. Person.h - This is the header file where the class declaration will be placed.

// Person.h #ifndef PERSON_H #define PERSON_H #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Person { public: // 2 argument constructor Person(const std::string& name, int age); // Copy constructor Person(const Person& other); // Assignment operator Person& operator=(const Person& other); // Destructor ~Person(); // Functions void introduce(); void setID(int newID); // Setter for id private: string name; int age; int* id; // Pointer to dynamically allocated memory }; #endif // PERSON_H
  1. Person.cpp - This is the source file where the class definitions (implementation) will be placed.

// Person.cpp #include "Person.h" Person::Person(const std::string& name, int age) : name(name), age(age) { id = new int(12345); // Allocate memory for id } Person::Person(const Person& other) : name(, age(other.age) { id = new int(*; // Allocate memory and copy id } Person& Person::operator=(const Person& other) { if (this != &other) { // Avoid self-assignment name =; age = other.age; delete id; // Deallocate existing id memory id = new int(*; // Allocate new memory and copy id } return *this; } Person::~Person() { delete id; // Deallocate memory for id } void Person::introduce() { cout << "Hi, my name is " << name << " and I am " << age << " years old. My ID is " << *id << "." << endl; } void Person::setID(int newID) { *id = newID; // Set the value of id }
  1. main.cpp - The file to use the Person class.

// main.cpp #include "Person.h" int main() { Person personOne("Kevin", 39); Person personTwo = personOne; // Use copy constructor personOne.introduce(); personTwo.introduce(); cout << endl << "Now lets change the ID of personOne " << endl; personOne.setID(54321); // Change ID of personOne personOne.introduce(); personTwo.introduce(); // personTwo will have the original ID // Demonstrating assignment operator Person personThree("Alice", 25); personThree = personOne; // Use assignment operator personThree.introduce(); // personThree will have the same ID as personOne return 0; }



In the main() function:

  • Person personOne("Kevin", 39) creates a Person object named personOne.

  • Person personTwo = personOne uses the copy constructor to create a new Person object personTwo that's a copy of personOne.

  • Then, it prints the information of personOne and personTwo, showing that both have the same name, age, and id.

  • It changes the id of personOne and prints the information again. You'll see that personOne's id has changed, but personTwo's id remains the same, demonstrating that the copy constructor made a separate copy of the id. This concept is often referred to as deep copying in C++.

2024 - Programming 3 / Data Structures - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark