The Rule of Three

The "Rule of Three" is a guideline in C++ that states that if a class defines any of the following three special member functions, it should also define the other two:

  1. Copy constructor: A special constructor that creates a new object that is a copy of an existing object of the same class.

  2. Copy assignment operator: A special member function that copies the contents of one object into another object of the same class.

  3. Destructor: A special member function that is called when an object of the class is destroyed, and is used to clean up any resources that the object has allocated during its lifetime.

The reason for the "Rule of Three" is to ensure that the class behaves correctly in all situations, and to avoid memory leaks or other problems that can arise from inconsistent memory management.

For example, if a class has a dynamically allocated memory resource that is managed by the constructor and destructor, it is important to define the copy constructor and copy assignment operator to properly handle copying the memory resource from one object to another. If these functions are not defined, the default implementations provided by the compiler may copy the pointer to the memory resource, resulting in two objects pointing to the same memory location. This can cause problems if one object is destroyed or modified, leaving the other object with a dangling pointer or invalid data.

Here is an example of a class that follows the Rule of Three:

#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class String { private: char* buffer; public: // Default constructor - Initializes the buffer pointer to nullptr. String() : buffer(nullptr) {} // Parameterized constructor String(const char* str) { buffer = new char[strlen(str) + 1]; strcpy(buffer, str); } // Copy constructor String(const String& other) { buffer = new char[strlen(other.buffer) + 1]; strcpy(buffer, other.buffer); } // Copy assignment operator - takes a const String& parameter other // and checks for self-assignment. If this and other are different // objects, it deallocates the existing memory of buffer, // allocates new memory, and performs a deep copy of other buffer. String& operator=(const String& other) { if (this != &other) { delete[] buffer; buffer = new char[strlen(other.buffer) + 1]; strcpy(buffer, other.buffer); } return *this; } // Destructor ~String() { delete[] buffer; } // Getter function const char* getValue() const { return buffer; } }; int main() { String strOne("Hello"); String strTwo = strOne; // Copy construction String strThree("World"); strTwo = strThree; // Copy assignment cout << "strOne: " << strOne.getValue() << endl; cout << "strTwo: " << strTwo.getValue() << endl; cout << "strThree: " << strThree.getValue() << endl; return 0; }


The given C++ code demonstrates the implementation of a simple String class that manages dynamic memory allocation for storing character arrays. Here's a breakdown of the code:

  1. The code includes the necessary header files <iostream> and <cstring> for input/output operations and string manipulation functions, respectively.

  2. The String class is defined. It has a private member buffer of type char*, which represents the dynamically allocated character array.

  3. The class provides the following member functions:

    a. Default constructor: Initializes the buffer pointer to nullptr.

    b. Parameterized constructor: Takes a const char* parameter str, dynamically allocates memory for buffer, copies the content of str into buffer, and adds a null terminator at the end.

    c. Copy constructor: Takes a const String& parameter other and performs a deep copy of other by allocating memory for buffer and copying the content of other.buffer into it.

    d. Copy assignment operator: Takes a const String& parameter other and checks for self-assignment. If this and other are different objects, it deallocates the existing memory of buffer, allocates new memory, and performs a deep copy of other.buffer.

    e. Destructor: Releases the dynamically allocated memory of buffer to avoid memory leaks.

    f. Getter function getValue(): Returns the buffer member, allowing access to the stored string.

  4. In the main() function, instances of the String class are created and tested:

    a. strOne is initialized with the value "Hello" using the parameterized constructor.

    b. strTwo is created using copy construction, which calls the copy constructor and creates a new object with the same content as strOne.

    c. strThree is initialized with the value "World" using the parameterized constructor.

    d. strTwo is assigned the value of strThree using the copy assignment operator, which deallocates the previous memory and creates a copy of strThree.

    e. The content of the three String objects is printed using the getValue() function.

  5. Finally, the program returns 0 to indicate successful execution.

Overall, this code demonstrates the implementation of a basic string class that manages memory allocation and copying of strings, following the Rule of Three (now known as the Rule of Five in C++11 and above) to ensure proper resource management.

Please note the following information is actually beyond the scope of study for Programming 3 / Data Structures. However, I thought i would include it if you wanted to do a deeper dive and learn about the “Rule of Five”


The Rule of Five

The Rule of Five is an extension of the Rule of Three in C++11 and later versions. It applies to classes that manage resources, such as memory or file handles. The Rule of Five states that if a class defines any of the following special member functions, it should define all five:

  1. Destructor

  2. Copy constructor

  3. Copy assignment operator

  4. Move constructor -

  5. Move assignment operator -

The reason behind this rule is to ensure correct resource management and avoid issues like memory leaks, dangling pointers, or double deletion. The move constructor and move assignment operator were introduced in C++11 to enable efficient transfer of resources between objects, which is particularly useful for objects that manage dynamically allocated memory.

Move constructor:

A move constructor is used to create a new object by transferring the resources from an existing object (called an rvalue). It takes an rvalue reference (&&) to an object of the same class as its parameter.

In C++, a move constructor is a special member function of a class that enables the efficient transfer of resources (such as dynamically allocated memory) from an rvalue reference to a new object. It is used to optimize the performance of object construction by avoiding unnecessary copying and reducing the overhead of memory allocation and deallocation.

Here's an explanation of the move constructor and why you would use it:

  • Efficiency: The move constructor allows for the efficient transfer of resources, such as dynamic memory, from one object to another. Instead of creating a new copy of the resource, it simply "moves" the ownership of the resource to the new object by transferring the internal pointer.

  • Avoiding unnecessary copies: When objects are passed by value or returned from a function, temporary objects (rvalues) are created. Without a move constructor, these temporary objects would be copied, resulting in potentially expensive and unnecessary operations.

  • Performance optimization: The move constructor improves performance by eliminating unnecessary memory allocations and deallocations. Instead of copying large data structures, the move constructor allows for transferring the ownership of resources, which can be significantly faster and more efficient.

  • Resource management: Move semantics are particularly useful when dealing with resources that are expensive to copy, such as large arrays, dynamically allocated memory, or file handles. The move constructor enables the efficient transfer of ownership of these resources without duplicating the underlying data.

  • To use a move constructor effectively, you need to implement it properly by transferring the ownership of the resources and leaving the source object in a valid but unspecified state. It is also common to mark the move constructor as noexcept to indicate that it doesn't throw exceptions.

Overall, the move constructor in C++ is used to optimize object construction by efficiently transferring resources from temporary objects or rvalue references. It improves performance, reduces unnecessary copying, and allows for more efficient resource management, particularly for expensive-to-copy resources.


Move assignment operator:

The move assignment operator is used to transfer the resources from one object (rvalue) to another object of the same class. It is typically implemented as an overloaded assignment operator (operator=) that takes an rvalue reference (&&) to an object of the same class.

In C++, a move assignment operator is a special member function of a class that enables the efficient transfer of resources (such as dynamically allocated memory) from an rvalue reference to an existing object. It is used to optimize the assignment operation by avoiding unnecessary copying and reducing the overhead of memory allocation and deallocation.

Here's an explanation of the move assignment operator and why you would use it:

  1. Efficiency: The move assignment operator allows for the efficient transfer of resources from one object to another during assignment. Instead of creating a new copy of the resources, it transfers the ownership of the resources from the source object to the destination object.

  2. Avoiding unnecessary copies: When objects are assigned to one another, temporary objects (rvalues) are created. Without a move assignment operator, these temporary objects would be copied, resulting in potentially expensive and unnecessary operations.

  3. Performance optimization: The move assignment operator improves performance by eliminating unnecessary memory allocations and deallocations. It allows for efficient resource transfer by moving the ownership of resources instead of copying them.

  4. Resource management: Move semantics are particularly useful when dealing with resources that are expensive to copy, such as large arrays, dynamically allocated memory, or file handles. The move assignment operator enables the efficient transfer of ownership of these resources during assignment.

To use a move assignment operator effectively, you need to implement it properly by transferring the ownership of the resources from the source object to the destination object and leaving the source object in a valid but unspecified state. It is also common to mark the move assignment operator as noexcept to indicate that it doesn't throw exceptions.

Overall, the move assignment operator in C++ is used to optimize the assignment operation by efficiently transferring resources from temporary objects or rvalue references. It improves performance, reduces unnecessary copying, and allows for more efficient resource management, particularly for expensive-to-copy resources.


#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class String { private: char* buffer; public: // Default constructor String() : buffer(nullptr) {} // Parameterized constructor String(const char* str) { buffer = new char[strlen(str) + 1]; strcpy(buffer, str); } // Copy constructor String(const String& other) { buffer = new char[strlen(other.buffer) + 1]; strcpy(buffer, other.buffer); } // Move constructor String(String&& other) noexcept { buffer = other.buffer; other.buffer = nullptr; } // Copy assignment operator String& operator=(const String& other) { if (this != &other) { delete[] buffer; buffer = new char[strlen(other.buffer) + 1]; strcpy(buffer, other.buffer); } return *this; } // Move assignment operator String& operator=(String&& other) noexcept { if (this != &other) { delete[] buffer; buffer = other.buffer; other.buffer = nullptr; } return *this; } // Destructor ~String() { delete[] buffer; } // Getter function const char* getValue() const { return buffer; } }; int main() { String strOne("Hello"); String strTwo = strOne; // Copy construction String strThree("World"); strTwo = strThree; // Copy assignment cout << "strOne: " << strOne.getValue() << endl; cout << "strTwo: " << strTwo.getValue() << endl; cout << "strThree: " << strThree.getValue() << endl; return 0; }

The code you provided demonstrates a simple implementation of a String class in C++. This class manages a dynamically allocated character array (buffer) to store and manipulate strings.

Explanation of the code:

  • The class String represents a string object and provides various constructors, assignment operators, and a destructor.

  • The private member buffer is a pointer to a dynamically allocated character array that holds the string.

  • The default constructor String() initializes the buffer pointer to nullptr.

  • The parameterized constructor String(const char* str) takes a C-style string as input, allocates memory for the buffer, and copies the contents of str into it using strcpy.

  • The copy constructor String(const String& other) creates a new String object by allocating memory for the buffer and copying the contents from the buffer of another String object (other).

  • The move constructor String(String&& other) noexcept efficiently transfers ownership of the buffer from an rvalue reference (other) to the current object, improving performance by avoiding unnecessary memory allocation and deallocation. It simply swaps the buffer pointers and sets other.buffer to nullptr.

  • The copy assignment operator String& operator=(const String& other) assigns the contents of one String object (other) to another. It first checks for self-assignment, deletes the current buffer, allocates new memory for the buffer, and copies the contents of other.buffer into it.

  • The move assignment operator String& operator=(String&& other) noexcept efficiently transfers ownership of the buffer from an rvalue reference (other) to the current object, similar to the move constructor. It swaps the buffer pointers and sets other.buffer to nullptr.

  • The destructor ~String() deallocates the dynamically allocated memory for the buffer.

  • The getValue() member function returns a const pointer to the string buffer.

  • In the main() function, a few instances of the String class are created and manipulated using copy construction and copy assignment. The output of the strings is displayed using cout statements.

This code demonstrates the concepts of memory management and string manipulation using dynamic memory allocation and proper copy and move semantics in C++.

Explanation of rvalues:

In C++, an rvalue (short for "right value") refers to an expression that represents a temporary value or a value that can only appear on the right side of an assignment. It is typically a temporary object or a result of an expression that doesn't have a persistent identity in the program.

Here are some examples of rvalues:

  1. Literal values: Numeric literals like 42 or string literals like "Hello" are rvalues because they represent temporary values that cannot be modified.

  2. Temporary objects: Objects created during an expression evaluation, such as the result of a function call or an arithmetic operation, are considered rvalues. For example, a + b creates a temporary object representing the sum of a and b, which is an rvalue.

  3. Cast expressions: Results of type conversions, such as static_cast<int>(3.14), are considered rvalues.

  4. Move semantics: Objects that are explicitly marked as rvalue references using the && syntax, like std::move(someObject), are treated as rvalues.

Rvalues are distinct from lvalues, which represent objects that have an identifiable memory location and can be assigned to or modified. Rvalues cannot be assigned to directly and are generally used as the source for initialization or assignment operations.

The distinction between rvalues and lvalues is important in understanding C++ features like move semantics, which optimize the transfer of resources from temporary objects. Move semantics make it possible to efficiently "move" the contents of an rvalue to a new object instead of making a copy, reducing unnecessary copying and improving performance.

Overall, rvalues represent temporary or non-modifiable values in C++ and are important for understanding language features like move semantics and resource management.

Explanation of lvalues:

In C++, an lvalue (short for "left value") refers to an expression that represents an identifiable object with a persistent memory location. It can appear on the left side of an assignment operation and can be assigned to or modified.

Here are some examples of lvalues:

  1. Variables: Named variables are lvalues because they have a persistent memory location. For example, int x = 42; creates an lvalue x that can be assigned to or modified.

  2. References: References, created using the & symbol, also represent lvalues. For example, int& ref = x; creates an lvalue reference ref that refers to the lvalue x.

  3. Named objects: Objects with names, such as struct instances or class instances, are lvalues. For example, MyClass obj; creates an lvalue obj that can be accessed and modified.

  4. Array elements: Elements of an array can be lvalues. For example, given int arr[5];, individual elements like arr[0] are lvalues that can be assigned to or modified.

Lvalues can be used in various contexts, such as assignment statements, function calls, or as operands for operators. They have a persistent identity and can be referenced or modified throughout the program.

Understanding the distinction between lvalues and rvalues is crucial in C++ because it helps in understanding how objects are handled and how expressions can be used in different contexts. It also plays a role in understanding concepts like reference semantics, function overloading, and how objects are passed and returned in function calls.


2024 - Programming 3 / Data Structures - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark