String functions with pointers

In C++, strings can be represented as arrays of characters, and they can be efficiently manipulated using pointers and pointer arithmetic. Understanding how to work with strings at this level allows you to perform operations like calculating the length of a string, copying one string to another, and concatenating strings.

Calculating the Length of a String (strlen)

The strlen function calculates the length of a string by iterating through each character until it reaches the null terminator (\\0), which signifies the end of the string.


const char* myStr = "Hello, world!"; int length = 0; while (*myStr != '\0') { length++; myStr++; } cout << "Length: " << length << endl;


  • Pointer Initialization: myStr is a pointer to a constant character array, which represents the string "Hello, world!".

  • Iteration: A while loop iterates through the string, incrementing the length variable for each character until it encounters the null terminator (\\0).

  • Pointer Arithmetic: The pointer myStr is incremented to move to the next character in the string.

  • Output: The final length of the string is printed to the console.

Copying a String to Another (strcpy)

The strcpy function copies the contents of one string into another, character by character, until the null terminator is reached.


const char* strOne = "Hello, world!"; char strTwo[50]; char* ptr = strTwo; while (*strOne != '\0') { *ptr = *strOne; ptr++; strOne++; } *ptr = '\0'; cout << "Copied string: " << strTwo << endl;


  • Source and Destination: strOne is the source string, and strTwo is the destination array with enough space to hold the copied string.

  • Pointer Initialization: ptr is a pointer initialized to the start of strTwo.

  • Copying Characters: A while loop iterates through strOne, copying each character to strTwo using the dereference operator (*).

  • Null Terminator: After the loop, a null terminator (\\0) is added to the end of strTwo to properly terminate the string.

  • Output: The copied string is then printed.

Concatenating Two Strings (strcat)

The strcat function appends the contents of one string to the end of another.


#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char strOne[50] = "Hello, "; // Initialize strOne with "Hello, " const char* strTwo = "world!"; // strTwo points to the string "world!" // Pointer to the end of strOne char* ptrString = strOne + strlen(strOne); // Append strTwo to the end of strOne while (*strTwo != '\0') { *ptrString = *strTwo; ptrString++; strTwo++; } *ptrString = '\0'; // Add null terminator cout << "Concatenated string: " << strOne << endl; return 0; }


  • Initialization: strOne is initialized with the string "Hello, ", and strTwo is a pointer to the string "world!".

  • Pointer Arithmetic: ptrString is set to point to the end of the current content in strOne (just before the null terminator).

  • Concatenation: The while loop appends each character from strTwo to the end of strOne by assigning *strTwo to *ptrString. Both pointers are incremented with each iteration.

  • Null Terminator: A null terminator is added to the end of strOne to ensure it is a valid string.

  • Output: The concatenated string is printed.

Code Breakdown

  1. Including Necessary Headers:

    • #include <iostream>: This line includes the header file necessary for input/output operations in C++.

  2. Using the Standard Namespace:

    • using namespace std;: This allows you to use standard C++ functions and objects like cout without needing to prefix them with std::.

  3. Main Function:

    • int main(): The entry point of the program, where execution begins.

  4. Pointer and String Operations:

    • String Initialization: Strings are initialized and manipulated using pointers, demonstrating operations like calculating length, copying, and concatenation.

    • Pointer Arithmetic: The pointer arithmetic (ptr++ and strOne++) is used to move through the memory addresses of the strings.

    • Null Terminator Management: Properly handling the null terminator ensures that the strings are valid C-style strings.

  5. Memory Safety:

    • Although the examples do not involve dynamic memory allocation, it’s important to understand that string operations using pointers must carefully manage memory, especially when dealing with dynamically allocated memory.

Key Takeaways

  • Pointers and Strings: Pointers offer a powerful way to manipulate strings at a low level, allowing for efficient operations like copying, concatenating, and calculating length.

  • Pointer Arithmetic: Understanding pointer arithmetic is crucial when working with strings in C++, as it enables you to traverse and manipulate the string data directly.

  • Memory Management: Always ensure that strings are properly null-terminated (\\0) to avoid undefined behavior.



2024 - Programming 3 / Data Structures - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark