
Pointers are a powerful feature in C++ that allow you to directly interact with memory, providing both flexibility and efficiency in your programs. This section explores pointers in depth, covering their usage, associated operators, and how they interact with dynamic memory. We’ll also delve into more advanced topics such as linked lists, memory allocation on the heap and stack, the Rule of Three, destructors, and the importance of deep copying. By the end of this section, you’ll have a strong understanding of how pointers work and how to manage memory effectively in C++.


Module Topics:

Pointers - High-Level Example

  • An introduction to pointers, demonstrating their basic use and benefits through a simple example. This will set the stage for understanding more complex pointer operations.

Why Use Pointers

  • Discussion on the importance of pointers in C++, including scenarios where they are essential for tasks such as dynamic memory management, efficient array handling, and working with data structures like linked lists.

Operators: new, delete, and ->

  • Overview of the key operators associated with pointers:

    • new: Allocating memory on the heap.

    • delete: Releasing memory back to the system.

    • ->: Accessing members of an object through a pointer.

    • set pointers to nullptr after deleting them to avoid dangling pointers and undefined behavior.

String Functions with Pointers

  • Examples of how to manipulate C-style strings using pointers, demonstrating common string functions and operations that involve pointer arithmetic.

Brief Description of a Linked List

  • An introduction to linked lists, explaining their structure and how pointers are used to link nodes together, laying the groundwork for more detailed exploration.

Heap and Stack

  • Explanation of the differences between heap and stack memory, including when and why you would allocate memory on the heap versus the stack. This section will also cover the implications for performance and memory management.

The Rule of Three

  • Introduction to the Rule of Three, which states that if a class requires a custom destructor, copy constructor, or copy assignment operator, it likely needs all three. This concept is critical for managing resources correctly in C++.


  • Detailed discussion of destructors in C++, including their purpose, how they are automatically invoked, and how to implement custom destructors to properly release resources.

Copy Constructor

  • Explanation of copy constructors, their role in creating deep copies of objects, and when you need to implement a custom copy constructor to avoid shallow copying issues.

Overload the Assignment Operator (Deep Copy)

  • Discussion on how to overload the assignment operator to perform a deep copy of objects, ensuring that each object maintains its own separate copy of dynamically allocated resources.

Summary of Pointer Operators and Symbols

  • A comprehensive summary of the key pointer operators and symbols covered in this section, including *, &, ->, new, and delete, along with their use cases and best practices.

This section aims to equip you with a thorough understanding of pointers and dynamic memory management in C++. By mastering these concepts, you will be able to write more efficient, robust, and maintainable code, especially when dealing with complex data structures and resource management. The hands-on demonstrations included will help solidify your understanding of these critical concepts in C++ programming.

2024 - Programming 3 / Data Structures - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark