DBMS Functions

A DBMS performs the following important functions:

  • Data dictionary management – The DBMS stores definitions of data elements and their relationships in a data dictionary

  • Data storage management – The DBMS creates and manages the structures required for data storage

    • Performance tuning ensures efficient performance

  • Data transformation and presentation – The DBMS transforms entered data to conform to required data structures

    • Data is formatted to conform to the user’s logical expectations

  • Security management – The DBMS creates a system that enforces user security and data privacy

  • Multi User access control – The DBMS uses sophisticated algorithms to ensure that multiple users can access the database concurrently without compromising its integrity

  • Backup and recovery management – The DBMS provides backup and data recovery to ensure data safety and integrity

    • Recovery management deals with the recovery of the database after a failure

  • Data integrity management – The DBMS promotes and enforces integrity rules, thus minimizing redundancy and maximizing data consistency

  • Database access languages and application programming interfaces – The DBMS provides data access through a query language

    • A query language lets the user specify what must be done without having to specify how

    • Structured Query Language (SQL) is the de facto query language and data access standard supported by the majority of DBMS vendors

  • Database communication interfaces – A DBMS accepts end-user requests via multiple communication interfaces