SQL USE and SHOW Statements

In SQL, the USE and SHOW statements are used to interact with databases and display information about the databases or tables.

  1. USE Statement:
    The USE statement is used to select or switch to a specific database in the database management system. Once you have created multiple databases, you can use the USE statement to indicate which database you want to work with. After executing the USE statement, all subsequent SQL queries will be applied to the selected database.

The syntax for the USE statement is simple:

USE database_name;

Here's an example:

USE my_database;

After executing this statement, all subsequent SQL queries will be applied to the "my_database" until you explicitly use another USE statement to switch to a different database.

  1. SHOW Statement:
    The SHOW statement is not a standard SQL command, and its usage might vary depending on the specific database management system you are using. Generally, it is used to display information about the databases, tables, or other objects in the current database.

For example, in MySQL, you can use the SHOW DATABASES statement to list all the databases available in the current server:


Similarly, to show all the tables in the current database in MySQL, you can use:

In PostgreSQL, you would use SELECT statements on specific system tables to retrieve similar information:

The SHOW statement is mainly used for administrative or informational purposes to understand the structure and content of databases and tables.