Prototype Pattern Demo


package PrototypePatternDemo; // Create an abstract base class implementing Clonable interface abstract class GameCharacter implements Cloneable { protected String characterType; abstract void play(); public Object clone() { Object clone = null; try { clone = super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return clone; } }
package PrototypePatternDemo; // Create concrete classes extending above class class Warrior extends GameCharacter { public Warrior() { this.characterType = "Warrior"; } @Override void play() { System.out.println("The Warrior is fighting"); } }
package PrototypePatternDemo; class Mage extends GameCharacter { public Mage() { this.characterType = "Mage"; } @Override void play() { System.out.println("The Mage is casting spells"); } }


In this example, Warrior and Mage are concrete classes that extend GameCharacter. The CharacterStore class maintains a map of GameCharacter instances, and when asked for a character of a specific type, it clones the corresponding character from the map. The PrototypePatternDemo shows how to retrieve these cloned objects.

This approach allows for very efficient instantiation of complex objects, because instead of creating a new object from scratch, you can simply clone an existing instance.