Bridge Pattern Demo


package BridgePatternDemo; // Implementor interface Car { void open(); void close(); }
package BridgePatternDemo; // Concrete Implementors class Sedan implements Car { public void open() { System.out.println("Opening the Sedan's doors."); } public void close() { System.out.println("Closing the Sedan's doors."); } }
package BridgePatternDemo; class SUV implements Car { public void open() { System.out.println("Opening the SUV's doors."); } public void close() { System.out.println("Closing the SUV's doors."); } }


Let's say we have a Remote class (the Abstraction) that's used by BasicRemote and AdvancedRemote classes (the RefinedAbstractions). Remote controls a Car (the Implementor), and the Car class is implemented by Sedan and SUV classes (the ConcreteImplementors).

The Bridge pattern lets a BasicRemote or AdvancedRemote control either a Sedan or SUV interchangeably, and the control methods can be changed independently at runtime.

In the client code, the Car (implementor) is defined at runtime, which allows you to change the way the Remote (abstraction) controls the Car independently of what type of Remote or Car it is. The Bridge pattern decouples the two hierarchies and lets them vary independently.