Hash Table Chaining using a Linked List


//***************************************************************** // HashTable.h // This header file contains the Hash Table class declaration. // Hash Table array elements consist of Linked List objects. //***************************************************************** #ifndef HashTable_hpp #define HashTable_hpp #include "LinkedList.hpp" //***************************************************************** // Hash Table objects store a fixed number of Linked Lists. //***************************************************************** class HashTable { private: // Array is a reference to an array of Linked Lists. LinkedList * array; // Length is the size of the Hash Table array. int length; // Returns an array location for a given item key. int hash( string itemKey ); public: // Constructs the empty Hash Table object. // Array length is set to 13 by default. HashTable(int); // Adds an item to the Hash Table. void insertItem( Item * newItem ); // Deletes an Item by key from the Hash Table. // Returns true if the operation is successful. bool removeItem( string itemKey ); // Returns an item from the Hash Table by key. // If the item isn't found, a null pointer is returned. Item * getItemByKey( string itemKey ); // Display the contents of the Hash Table to console window. void printTable(); // Prints a histogram illustrating the Item distribution. void printHistogram(); // Returns the number of locations in the Hash Table. int getLength(); // Returns the number of Items in the Hash Table. int getNumberOfItems(); // De-allocates all memory used for the Hash Table. ~HashTable(); }; #endif /* HashTable_hpp */


// HashTable.cpp #include "HashTable.hpp" // Constructor for HashTable HashTable::HashTable(int tableLength) { if (tableLength <= 0) tableLength = 13; // Default size is 13 if given length is non-positive array = new LinkedList[tableLength]; // Create an array of LinkedLists length = tableLength; // Set the length of the hash table } // Hash function to determine the index for a given item key int HashTable::hash(string itemKey) { int value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < itemKey.length(); i++) value += itemKey[i]; // Sum ASCII values of characters in the key return (itemKey.length() * value) % length; // Compute index using sum and length } // Adds an item to the Hash Table void HashTable::insertItem(Item * newItem) { int index = hash(newItem->key); // Get the hash index for the item array[index].insertItem(newItem); // Insert the item in the appropriate LinkedList } // Deletes an Item by key from the Hash Table bool HashTable::removeItem(string itemKey) { int index = hash(itemKey); // Get the hash index for the item return array[index].removeItem(itemKey); // Remove the item from the appropriate LinkedList } // Returns an item from the Hash Table by key Item * HashTable::getItemByKey(string itemKey) { int index = hash(itemKey); // Get the hash index for the item return array[index].getItem(itemKey); // Retrieve the item from the appropriate LinkedList } // Display the contents of the Hash Table to console window void HashTable::printTable() { cout << "\nHash Table:\n"; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { cout << "Bucket " << i + 1 << ": "; array[i].printList(); // Print each LinkedList in the table } } // Prints a histogram illustrating the Item distribution void HashTable::printHistogram() { cout << "\n\nHash Table Contains "; cout << getNumberOfItems() << " Items total\n"; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { cout << i + 1 << ":\t"; for (int j = 0; j < array[i].getLength(); j++) cout << " X"; // Print an X for each item in the LinkedList cout << "\n"; } } // Returns the number of locations in the Hash Table int HashTable::getLength() { return length; // Return the length of the hash table } // Returns the number of Items in the Hash Table int HashTable::getNumberOfItems() { int itemCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) itemCount += array[i].getLength(); // Sum lengths of all LinkedLists return itemCount; // Return total number of items } // Destructor for HashTable HashTable::~HashTable() { delete[] array; // De-allocate the array of LinkedLists }


//***************************************************************** // This header file contains the Linked List class declaration. // Hash Table array elements consist of Linked List objects. //***************************************************************** #ifndef LinkedList_hpp #define LinkedList_hpp #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; //***************************************************************** // List items are keys with pointers to the next item. //***************************************************************** struct Item { string key; Item * next; }; //***************************************************************** // Linked lists store a variable number of items. //***************************************************************** class LinkedList { private: // Head is a reference to a list of data nodes. Item * head; // Length is the number of data nodes. int length; public: // Constructs the empty linked list object. // Creates the head node and sets length to zero. LinkedList(); // Inserts an item at the end of the list. void insertItem( Item * newItem ); // Removes an item from the list by item key. // Returns true if the operation is successful. bool removeItem( string itemKey ); // Searches for an item by its key. // Returns a reference to first match. // Returns a NULL pointer if no match is found. Item * getItem( string itemKey ); // Displays list contents to the console window. void printList(); // Returns the length of the list. int getLength(); // De-allocates list memory when the program terminates. ~LinkedList(); }; #endif /* LinkedList_hpp */



2024 - Programming 3 / Data Structures - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark