Lab Rubric - Grading Criteria

Please note that this is an example used by some professors who teach this course. The specific requirements and expectations of a programming lab can vary depending on the nature of the assignment. Please consult your professors regarding the rubric used. The following is a general guideline.









Understanding of Assignment and meeting requirements or objectives

50 Points


Demonstrates full understanding of the lab requirements and has addressed all parts of the assignment.

Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the lab requirements but has missed some parts of the assignment.

Demonstrates little to no understanding of the lab requirements and has missed most or all parts of the assignment.

Code Quality

10 Points

Code is exceptionally well-organized and very easy to follow. Comments are used to explain what the code does effectively.

Code is generally organized and easy to follow. Comments are sometimes used to explain what the code does.

Code is disorganized and very difficult to follow. Comments are rarely used or do not explain what the code does at all.


20 points

Program works flawlessly with no errors or bugs.

Program works with some errors or bugs that affect functionality but do not prevent it from running.

Program has critical errors or bugs that prevent it from running or functioning as intended.


10 Points

Program is highly efficient, using optimal algorithms and data structures.

Program works, but efficiency could be significantly improved.

Program is highly inefficient, using inappropriate algorithms or data structures.


10 Points

All methods and classes are documented with clear, concise comments that effectively explain the purpose and functionality of each. First lines of code are commented with Name, Lab, Date. Purpose


Some methods and classes are documented with comments, but others are not.

Methods and classes are not documented with comments, making it impossible to understand the purpose and functionality of the code.

2024 - Programming 3 / Data Structures - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark