
In C++, a queue is a container that stores elements in a FIFO (first-in, first-out) order. It is useful when you need to process elements in the order they were added.

In simple terms, a queue in C++ (or in any programming language, really) is similar to a queue or line of people waiting for something, like at a movie theater or a bank. People join the line at the end and leave it from the front. This is often referred to as "First In, First Out" or FIFO.

Here's a breakdown of a queue:

  1. FIFO (First In, First Out):

    • The first element added to the queue will be the first one to be removed. This is like the first person in line being the first one to get served.

  2. Adding Elements (Enqueue):

    • When you add an element to a queue, it goes to the back of the line. In programming, this is often called 'enqueue'.

  3. Removing Elements (Dequeue):

    • When you remove an element, you take it from the front of the queue. This is known as 'dequeue'.

  4. Front and Back:

    • You can usually check the elements at the front and the back of the queue, but you can't directly access other elements in the middle of the queue like you can in an array or list.

  5. Use Cases:

    • A queue is useful when you need to manage tasks in an order where the first task added is the first one to be handled. This is common in scenarios like managing print jobs in a printer, handling customer service requests, or in algorithms like breadth-first search in a tree or graph.

  6. No Random Access:

    • Unlike arrays or lists, you can't access elements randomly in a queue. You have to remove elements from the front until you reach the one you want.

In summary, a queue in programming is like a real-life queue where elements are processed in the order they arrive. It's useful for scenarios where this sort of orderly handling is required.

Here is an example of how to use queue:

#include <iostream> #include <queue> using namespace std; int main() { queue<int> my_queue; my_queue.push(1); my_queue.push(2); my_queue.push(3); while (!my_queue.empty()) { int element = my_queue.front(); my_queue.pop(); cout << element << " "; } return 0; }

In this example, we create a queue<int> object called my_queue and add three elements to it using the push method. We then use a while loop to process each element in the queue by removing the front element using the front method and then removing it using the pop method. Finally, we print each element to the console.

queue provides several methods for adding, removing, and retrieving elements, such as push, pop, and front. It also provides methods for checking whether the queue is empty, such as empty.

queue is often used to implement data structures like queues and buffers, which are used to store and process data in a specific order. It is useful when you need to process elements in the order they were added, such as in a message queue or a task queue.

The C++ queue container is a standard container adapter that provides a first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure. It's typically implemented using other standard containers like deque or list. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of using a queue:


  1. Clear Semantics: queue clearly represents a FIFO data structure, which is useful for tasks like breadth-first search, task scheduling, and others that require queue-like behavior.

  2. Simple Interface: Provides a simple and minimal interface with operations like push, pop, front, and back. This makes it easy to understand and use.

  3. Standardized: As part of the C++ Standard Library, it offers consistency and is well-documented.

  4. Customizable Underlying Container: You can choose the underlying container (e.g., list, deque) based on specific requirements like performance characteristics.

  5. Encapsulation: By using the queue, you encapsulate the underlying implementation, which can make your code more maintainable and flexible to change.


  1. Limited Functionality: queue provides only the basic queue operations. If you need more complex operations or direct access to elements, you'll need to use a different container or manage the underlying container yourself.

  2. Potential Performance Considerations: Depending on the underlying container and specific use case, there may be performance implications, such as if the container does not support efficient constant-time insertion or deletion at both ends.

  3. Lack of Random Access: Unlike containers like vector, you cannot access elements in the middle of the queue without manually iterating through it.

  4. Not Suitable for All Scenarios: If the specific requirements of your application do not align with a queue (FIFO) data structure, using std::queue might add unnecessary limitations or complexity.

The queue is useful when you need a simple, standardized, and encapsulated FIFO data structure. If you need more complex or specialized functionality, you may need to consider other containers or implementing your own custom data structure.

2024 - Programming 3 / Data Structures - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark