Module 6 - Lab - Medical Provider
Create an application based on the following UML Class diagram ->
Create an application with the following Classes:
Medical Provider (base class - Abstract) - This object has an OfficeLocation (Class). Additionally, the MedicalProvider has an abstract method payEmployee()
Doctor inherits from Medical Provider
Nurse inherits form Medical Provider
Shown Above in the Object Diagram - note the Weekly Gross Pay (note this is calculated based on Annual Salary)
Doctor specialty is (Internal Medicine, Cardiologist, Orthopedic, etc.)
Shown Above in the Object Diagram - note the Weekly Gross Pay is calculated on how many hours worked, and pay rate (please handle overtime - time and a half for all hours over 40)
Nurse Type is (RN, LVN, MA, etc.)
Program User prompts:
The Driver Class can call the parameterized Constructor - you do not need to get user input for the Driver class. The Driver class will need to use an ArrayList to hold 4 MedicalProviders (polymorphism) 2 doctors and 2 nurses.
Program outputs
Display the list of medical providers as shown above with the objects data. Below demonstrates an example of how to output the items:
Note for the Class Diagram above:
First Section - Class Name
Second Section - Required Constructors
Third Section - Class Attributes
Fourth Section - Methods
Fifth Section - Getters and Setters
Upload the following files in a zip folder that you have created:
Java class files
Screenshot of the Console with the code executing
COSC-1437 / ITSE-2457 Computer Science Dept. - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark