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The -> operator in C++ is a shortcut used to access members (like functions or variables) of an object that is pointed to by a pointer.

Imagine you have a remote control (the pointer) for a robot (the object). The robot has various functions, like walking or talking. In C++, if you want to use the remote to make the robot talk, you use ->. So, if robot is your pointer, and talk is a function, you write robot->talk() to make the robot talk. This is easier than the alternative, which involves using a combination of * (dereference) and . (dot) operators.

Here's a code snippet example of using new and deleteHere’s an improved version of the page on using new, delete, and the -> operator in C++:

In C++, dynamic memory management is a crucial concept that allows you to allocate and deallocate memory at runtime. The new and delete operators are fundamental to this process, enabling you to control memory allocation and avoid memory-related issues like leaks. The -> operator is used to access members of an object through a pointer, making it a key tool when working with dynamically allocated objects.

Using new and delete for Dynamic Memory Allocation

The new operator in C++ is used to allocate memory on the heap dynamically. This memory remains allocated until you explicitly free it using the delete operator. This is particularly useful when the size of the required memory is not known at compile time.


Code Block
int* ptr = new int;     // Allocate memory for an integer using "new"`new`
*ptr = 42;              // Assign a value to the allocated memory
location pointed by "ptr"
cout << *ptr << endl;   // Print the value stored pointedat bythe "ptr"allocated memory
delete ptr;             // Deallocate the memory using "delete"`delete`
ptr = nullptr;         // // Set the pointer to nullptr`nullptr` after deletion



  • Memory Allocation: int* ptr = new int; allocates memory for an integer


Finally, we use the delete operator to deallocate the memory pointed by ptr.


  • and returns a pointer to that memory.

  • Dereferencing: *ptr = 42; assigns the value 42 to the allocated memory.

  • Memory Deallocation: delete ptr; frees the allocated memory, and ptr = nullptr; ensures that ptr no longer points to the deallocated memory, avoiding potential issues with dangling pointers.

Using the -> Operator

The -> operator is used to access members of an object through a pointer. This is essential when working with dynamically allocated objects, as it allows you to invoke methods and access variables directly through the pointer.


Code Block
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class MyClass {
    void printMessage() {
        cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;

int main() {
    MyClass* ptr = new MyClass;  // Allocate memory for a MyClass object using "new"
   MyClass* ptr = new MyClass->printMessage();          // Call the "printMessage"`printMessage` function using "`->">`
    delete ptr->printMessage();;                  // Deallocate the memory using `delete`
"delete"    ptr delete= ptrnullptr;               // Set the pointer to nullptr`nullptr` after deletion
    ptr = nullptr;

    return 0;



  • Object Allocation: MyClass* ptr = new MyClass; allocates memory for a MyClass object


  • and returns a pointer to it.

  • Member Access: ptr->printMessage(); calls the printMessage method on the object pointed to by ptr.

Finally, we use the delete operator to deallocate the memory pointed by ptr.

Using new and delete allows you to allocate and deallocate memory dynamically at run-time, while using -> allows you to work with objects indirectly through pointers. However, working with dynamic memory requires careful management to avoid memory leaks and other errors.

Here's a breakdown of the code:

  1. Class Declaration: MyClass is a simple class with one public member function named printMessage(). This function, when called, will output "Hello, world!" to the console.

  2. Main Function: main() is the function where execution of the program starts.

  3. Dynamic Memory Allocation: Inside main(), a pointer to MyClass (ptr) is declared and allocated memory for an object of MyClass using the new operator. The new operator returns a pointer to the beginning of the new block of memory.

  4. Calling Member Function through Pointer: The printMessage() function of the MyClass object is then called using the arrow operator (->). The arrow operator is used to access the member functions and member variables of an object through a pointer.

  5. Memory Deallocation: After the printMessage() function is called, the dynamically allocated memory is deallocated using the delete operator to prevent memory leaks. After this line, ptr should not be used without first being reassigned, as it no longer points to a valid MyClass object.

  6. Return Statement: The main() function ends by returning 0, indicating successful execution of the program.


  • Memory Deallocation: delete ptr; frees the memory allocated for the MyClass object, and ptr = nullptr; prevents ptr from pointing to invalid memory.

Detailed Example: Working with a Class

Here’s a more comprehensive example that demonstrates dynamic memory management with a custom class (code on a single file for brevity):

Code Block
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Person {
    string name;
    int age;

    // Constructor to initialize name and age
    Person(const string& pStringpName, int pintpAge) : name(pStringpName), age(pIntpAge) {}

    // Function to display Person's details
    void display() const {
        cout << "Name: " << name << ", Age: " << age << endl;

int main() {
    // Using 'new' to dynamically Dynamically allocate memory for a Person object using `new`
    Person* *personPtr = new Person("John Doe", 30);
// Using '->' to access members of// Use the object`->` pointedoperator to byaccess the display pointerfunction
    // Using 'delete' to deallocate the memory that was previously allocated with 'new'
    delete personPtr; Deallocate the memory using `delete`
    delete personPtr;
    // Set the pointer to `nullptr` to avoid dangling pointer issues
    personPtr = nullptr; 

    return 0;

This program defines a Person class with a name string and an age integer. The Person constructor takes a name and age and initializes the Person object. The display method prints out the name and age.

In the main function, we allocate memory for a Person object using the new operator and assign the address of this memory to the personPtr pointer. We then use the -> operator to call the display method of the Person object pointed to by personPtr. Finally, we use the delete operator to free the memory that was allocated for the Person object.



  • Class Declaration: Person is a class with two public


  • members: name (


  • a string) and age


  • (an int)


Class Constructor: Person has a constructor that takes two arguments: a string pString for the person's name and an integer pInt for the person's age. These parameters are used to initialize the data members name and age respectively using an initializer list (: name(pString), age(pInt)).


Member Function: The display function is a member function that outputs the person's name and age to the console.


  • . The class has a constructor to initialize these members and a display function to print the details.

  • Dynamic Memory Allocation: Inside main(),


  • Person


  • * personPtr = new Person("John Doe", 30); dynamically allocates memory for a Person object


Calling Member Function through Pointer: The display() function of the Person object is then invoked using the arrow operator (->). The arrow operator is utilized to access member functions and member variables of an object via a pointer.


Memory Deallocation: After calling display(), the dynamically allocated memory is deallocated using delete to prevent a memory leak. After this line, personPtr should not be used without being reassigned first, because it no longer points to a valid Person object.


Return Statement: The main() function ends by returning 0, signifying that the program executed successfully.


  • and initializes it with the name "John Doe" and age 30.

  • Accessing Members: The display function is called using the -> operator: personPtr->display();.

  • Memory Deallocation: The memory is deallocated using delete personPtr;, and the pointer is set to nullptr to avoid dangling pointers.

Key Concepts to Remember

  • Dynamic Memory Allocation: Use new to allocate memory on the heap at runtime. Always pair new with delete to prevent memory leaks.

  • Using -> Operator: The -> operator is essential when working with pointers to objects, enabling you to access the object's members and methods.

  • Avoiding Dangling Pointers: After deleting dynamically allocated memory, set the pointer to nullptr to ensure it doesn’t point to invalid memory.

In C++, dynamic memory management allows you to allocate and deallocate memory at runtime, providing flexibility and control over your program’s memory usage. The new and delete operators, combined with the -> operator, are fundamental tools for managing dynamically allocated objects and their members. However, it’s crucial to manage this memory carefully to avoid issues such as memory leaks, dangling pointers, and undefined behavior. By understanding and applying these concepts, you can write more efficient and robust C++ programs.