Lab 1 - Exceptions Lab


The given program reads a list of single-word first names and ages (ending with -1) and outputs that list with the age incremented. By single word - you would not use getline. The program fails and throws an exception if the second input on a line is a string rather than an int. At FIXME in the code, add a try/catch statement to catch ios_base::failure, and output 0 for the age.

Ex: If the input is:

Lee 18 Lua 21 Mary Beth 19 Stu 33 -1

The output would be (after all the input has been given above)

Lee 19 Lua 22 Mary 0 Stu 34

Note: Note: Insert the following code in the catch block to clear the failbit and cin buffer so a new input can be read correctly:

// Clear failbit to be able to use cin again cin.clear(); // Throw away the rest of the failed input line from cin buffer string garbage; getline(cin, garbage);

 Code Starter


Upload the following:

  1. Full source code (.cpp files or .txt files)

  2. Screenshot of the Console with the code executing

2024 - Programming 3 / Data Structures - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark