Lab Rubric - Grading Criteria
Please note that this is an example used by some professors who teach this course. The specific requirements and expectations of a programming lab can vary depending on the nature of the assignment. Please consult your professors regarding the rubric used. The following is a general guideline.
Criteria | Excellent | Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory |
Understanding of Assignment and meeting requirements or objectives 50 Points
| Demonstrates full understanding of the lab requirements and has addressed all parts of the assignment. | Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the lab requirements but has missed some parts of the assignment. | Demonstrates little to no understanding of the lab requirements and has missed most or all parts of the assignment. |
Code Quality 10 Points | Code is exceptionally well-organized and very easy to follow. Comments are used to explain what the code does effectively. | Code is generally organized and easy to follow. Comments are sometimes used to explain what the code does. | Code is disorganized and very difficult to follow. Comments are rarely used or do not explain what the code does at all. |
Functionality 20 points | Program works flawlessly with no errors or bugs. | Program works with some errors or bugs that affect functionality but do not prevent it from running. | Program has critical errors or bugs that prevent it from running or functioning as intended. |
Efficiency 10 Points | Program is highly efficient, using optimal algorithms and data structures. | Program works, but efficiency could be significantly improved. | Program is highly inefficient, using inappropriate algorithms or data structures. |
Documentation 10 Points | All methods and classes are documented with clear, concise comments that effectively explain the purpose and functionality of each. First lines of code are commented with Name, Lab, Date. Purpose
| Some methods and classes are documented with comments, but others are not. | Methods and classes are not documented with comments, making it impossible to understand the purpose and functionality of the code. |
Recommended Header for code files:
// Module X - Lab Y,
// Author:
// Date:
// Lab Purpose:
/* Resources Used
- **Online Tutorial**: [Stack Overflow QuickSort Example]( - Provided a different perspective on implementing quicksort.
- **Peer/Tutor Help**: John Smith - Helped debug an if/else logic exception issue.
COSC-1437 / ITSE-2457 Computer Science Dept. - Author: Dr. Kevin Roark