Events - Fall 2023 - What's Happening!
Event | Description |
Sep 21, 2023 4:00 PM JH Building Room 110
| Demonstration and discussion on embedded systems from the maker's perspective
Oct 5, 2023 4:00 PM JH Building Room 110 Event Page → | Machine Learning - Presented by Dr. Wenbin Luo What is machine learning? How do the machines learn from data? After that, we will discuss the main categories of machine learning and their respective applications. Two concrete examples of machine learning applications, movie recommendation systems, and facial recognition, will be used to illustrate how machine learning techniques were used to solve real-world problems.
Oct 19, 2023 4:00 PM JH Building Room 110 | Rescheduled
Nov 2, 2023 4:00 PM JH Building Room 110 | NVC Plus+ STEM - Presented by Dr. Thomas Pressly NVC Opportunities for Computer Science and Computer Engineering Majors You have all heard how beneficial an internship is to your job search. But, have you heard of all of the opportunities to start an internship while you are here at NVC? We’ll discuss the Plus+STEM Department of Education Grant, the FUERTE National Science Foundation Grant with St. Mary’s University, NASA NCAS, as well as the assistance you can receive through our district office of Workplace Learning. Apply now to the opportunities, instead of waiting until you are at a university.
Nov 16, 2023 4:00 PM MLH Building Room 219 | AWS - Presented by Dr. John Grillo Dr. Grillo will be covering the benefits of an AWS Cloud adoption solution, serverless computing and the BAT program to include transfer (who is eligible) and guidance on advising. NVC will be offering a bachelor's degree starting in the Fall of 2024!
Additionally, we will cover the needed software to install for the Nov 30th hands on Git workshop. |
Nov 30, 2023 4:00 PM MLH Building Room 219 | Git - Presented by Dr. Kevin Roark Dr. Roark will be covering a hands on tutorial on Git, GitKraken, and Source Tree. Git provides functionality to create repositories, which are directories containing project files, and a history of changes made to those files. With Git, you can easily collaborate with other contributors, merge changes, and revert to previous versions if needed. It allows you to maintain a detailed history of your project, making it easier to understand the evolution of the code and fix bugs. Required installs: GitKraken Legendary Git Tools | GitKraken Sourcetree | Free Git GUI for Mac and Windows