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Section 1: Officer QualificationsIdentify what qualifications a student must have to be eligible to be an officer. This may include GPA, length of time in organization, previous experience, etc. All officers must be current Northwest Vista College students. See Article IV for Election procedures. 

  1. Major: Have a declared major or certification in Computer Science, IT or related field.

  2. Active Membership: Officers should be active members of the student organization, having demonstrated a commitment to the organization's goals and values through regular attendance, participation in events and activities, and engagement with fellow members.

  3. Academic Standing: Officers should be in good academic standing with the college or university, typically defined by maintaining a minimum 2.5 GPA.

  4. Experience: Officers should possess relevant experience or knowledge related to the specific officer position they are seeking. This could include previous leadership roles in the organization or other relevant extracurricular activities, internships, or part-time jobs.

  5. Communication Skills: Officers should demonstrate strong communication skills, both written and verbal. This includes the ability to effectively communicate with other members, college/university staff, and external stakeholders.

  6. Responsibility and Reliability: Officers should be responsible and reliable individuals who can be trusted to fulfill their duties and commitments. They should demonstrate good time management skills, follow through on tasks, and meet deadlines.

  7. Teamwork and Collaboration: Officers should be able to work effectively in a team environment and collaborate with other officers and members of the organization. They should be respectful of diverse perspectives and be able to contribute positively to group decision-making.

  8. Leadership Potential: Officers should exhibit leadership potential and the ability to motivate and inspire others. This can be demonstrated through previous leadership experiences, taking initiative, and displaying a willingness to take on responsibilities beyond their basic roles.

  9. Commitment to Personal Growth: Officers should show a commitment to personal growth and a willingness to learn and develop new skills. They should be open to feedback, seek opportunities for self-improvement, and be willing to engage in professional development activities.

  10. Non-Discrimination: The officer selection process should not discriminate against potential candidates on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other protected characteristic, in accordance with applicable laws and college/university policies.

It's important to note that these qualifications should be flexible, allowing for students of various backgrounds and experiences to participate. They should also be clearly communicated to potential candidates through the organization's bylaws or officer selection process.

Section 2: Elected Officers

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Secretary/Recording Officer


  • Officer 

Section 3: Duties of Officers


Section 4: Vacancy in Office

In the event a vacancy should occur (resignation or removal), provisions must be made to fill the vacancy. Officer succession/"chain of command" should be addressed (e.g., in the event that the President leaves office, the Vice President will assume those duties until a special election is held. Then refer readers to the special election section of Article IV.


Section 5: Removal of Officers

Grounds for removal of an officer must be clearly identified. Similar to the removal of members, due process must be followed. (see above) Make sure you note the role of your club advisor. One example:

A petition to remove the officer in question must be submitted to another officer. This petition must contain the signatures of x% of voting members. When such petition is received, the officer shall call a meeting of the club to determine whether or not the officer should be removed.

Grounds for removal are to presented by the officer in charge at a regular or special club meeting.

The officer in question shall be provided an opportunity to present a defense either in person or in writing.

A quorum shall be present, and a (x%, 2/3, simply majority) vote of the voting members shall decide upon removal.

Section 6: Appeal of Removal of Officers

This section clearly outlines what procedure a removed officer can take to appeal the club’s decision.


Section 1: Nomination Process

State how officer candidates will be nominated (by a current officer/member, self-nomination, etc.) and the timeline associated with the nomination process.


Section 2: Election

Election procedures, quorum present, method of voting (secret ballot, etc.), number of terms a person can serve, and when the elections will be held (Activities strongly suggests that by April 1, officer elections take place and that they are notified of the new officers).


Section 3: Special Elections

This section outlines what procedures will take place if an officer leaves/is removed from office. Clearly state the timeline for these procedures (e. g, within "x" weeks of vacancy occurring). You may use the same procedures from Section 2, with a revised timeline


Section 1: Selection

Indicate how your club will choose an advisor. Note: All clubs are strongly encouraged to seek an advisor who is an employee of Northwest Vista College.


Section 2: Duties

What do you want your advisor to do?


Section 1: Regular Meeting/Club Activities

Address how often business meetings will occur, any regular club activities, etc., process to notify members of meetings/activities.


Section 2: Special Meetings

Identify why you would call special meetings, and the process used to call these meetings/notify members, etc. Will these meetings be run any differently than regular meetings?


Section 3: Parliamentary Authority

Will you use Robert’s Rules of Order? How will the meetings be run…


Section 4: Quorum*

What % of your membership must be present for official club business to occur?

*A quorum is a certain percentage of voting members required to be present during a vote. It is VERY important to clearly indicate what your quorum will be (often, it is 2/3 of the voting members). You want to make sure that when a vote takes place, that you have a representative sample of your voting membership present.


Section 1: Committee Structure

Include what committees (if any) that your club will have. Include responsibilities of each committee and who is responsible for each committee. Examples include Membership, Programs, Elections, Fundraising, etc.


Section 2: Special/Ad-Hoc Committees

State that special/ad-hoc committees may be formed if needed…


Section 1: Student Activity Fee Monies

State whether or not your club will apply for Student Activity Fee monies and that if allocated resources, your club will follow all Student Activity Fee and institutional regulations. You may also wish to specify who is allowed to access club funds and/or who will be in charge of generating the budget proposal for Student Activity Fee.


Section 2: Honorariums

State whether or not any officers or members will receive an honorarium/stipend from the organization. Note: if honorariums are given, they must come from club generated funds.


Section 1: Ratification

Identify the process to be used regarding proposed constitutional amendments: voting procedures, timeline, etc.


Section 2: Submittal to Department of Student Activities

Any changes made to this constitution must be submitted to the Office of Student Activities

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