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n In C++, operator overloading is a feature that allows operators, such as +, -, *, /, and <<, to be overloaded with custom behavior for user-defined types. Operator overloading allows you to use the same syntax with your own classes as you would with built-in types, making your code more natural and intuitive.Here's an example of operator overloading:

Code Block
class Complex {
    double real;
    double imag;//
//  main.cpp
//  OperatorOverload
//  Text examnple modified by Kevin Roark on 3/31/23.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// TimeHrMn class represents time with hours and minutes
class TimeHrMn {
    ComplexTimeHrMn(doubleint rtimeHours = 0, doubleint itimeMinutes = 0) : real(r), imag(i) {}
    Complex operator+(const Complex& other) const {
        return Complex(real + other.real, imag + other.imag);
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Complex& c; // constructor
   void Print() const; // member function to print the time
   TimeHrMn operator+(TimeHrMn); // overloaded + operator for TimeHrMn operands
   TimeHrMn operator+(int); // overloaded + operator for TimeHrMn and int operands
   int hours;
   int minutes;

// Overloaded + operator for TimeHrMn operands
TimeHrMn TimeHrMn::operator+(TimeHrMn pTime) {
   TimeHrMn timeTotal;
   timeTotal.hours   = hours   + pTime.hours;
   timeTotal.minutes = minutes + pTime.minutes;
   return timeTotal;

// Overloaded + operator for TimeHrMn and int operands
TimeHrMn TimeHrMn::operator+(int pHours) {
   TimeHrMn timeTotal;
<< "(" << c.real << ", " << c.imag << ")";
   timeTotal.hours = hours + pHours;
   timeTotal.minutes = minutes; // Minutes stays the same
   return out; timeTotal;

// Constructor that initializes the time with hours and minutes
TimeHrMn::TimeHrMn(int pHours, int pMinutes) {
   hours  = pHours;
   minutes = pMinutes;

// Member function to print the time
void TimeHrMn::Print() const {
   cout << "H:" << hours << ", " };<< "M:" << minutes << endl;

int main() {
   TimeHrMn Complex c1time1(13, 222);
   TimeHrMn Complex c2time2(32, 4);50);
   TimeHrMn sumTime;
  Complex c3sumTime = c1time1 + c2time2; // Invokes operator+ for TimeHrMn operands
 cout << c1sumTime <<= "time1 + "10; << c2 << "// =Invokes "operator+ <<for c3TimeHrMn <<and endl;int operands
   return 0;

In this examplecode, we have defined define a Complex TimeHrMn class that represents complex numbers. We have overloaded the + operator to allow adding two complex numbers together, and we have overloaded the << operator to allow printing complex numbers to the consoletime with hours and minutes. The class has a constructor that initializes the time with hours and minutes, a member function Print that prints the time, and two overloaded + operators that allow you to add two TimeHrMn objects together, or add an int value to a TimeHrMn object.

The implementation of the operator+ functions simply adds the hours and minutes of the two operands and returns a new TimeHrMn object with the resulting values.

In the main function, we create two complex numbers c1 and c2 and add them together using the + operator. We then print the result using the overloaded << operator. TimeHrMn objects time1 and time2, and use the overloaded + operators to add them together or add an int value to one of them. We also demonstrate the use of the built-in addition operator with an int value

Operator overloading is useful when you want to make your code more expressive and natural by allowing operators to work with your own classes. However, it should be used with care, as overloading operators can sometimes make your code less readable and more error-prone. When overloading operators, you should follow the conventions and semantics of the built-in operators to avoid confusing users of your code.